Architecture Is Fun
In a follow-up to the very successful monograph Design for Kids (Images Publishing, 2007), here Sharon Exley and Peter Exley go about expanding on the key philosophies behind their unique practice. Namely, that play is an invitation to Architecture Is Fun. Through architecture, play can be manifest, challenged, and celebrated. Finding out who will play (and live, work, and learn) in our buildings is an intriguing challenge. The firm likes to discover the architectural catalysts that will give character to a building. Often this involves the universal language of Play. Play fits all bodies. Play is accessible. Play inspires innovation. Play puts us in the present. Play engages us. Play is memorable. Play connects us to others and to the world.
This beautifully illustrated book offers a glimpse into the firm’s interdisciplinary and participatory processes and how it believes that architecture and play are transformative.
By Sharon Exley and Peter Exley
Images Publishing Dist Ac, 2021
Paperback, 192 pages
6.69 in x 9.45 inches
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