A104- 2017 Owner-Contractor Standard Abbreviated Agreement *REVISED* (Hard Copy)
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A104–2017 (formerly A107-2007), Standard Abbreviated Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor
AIA A104™–2017 is a stand-alone agreement with its own internal general conditions and is intended for use on construction projects of limited scope and complexity. The AIA A104 replaces AIA Document A107™-2007, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for a Project of Limited Scope. It may be used for projects where payment is based on either a stipulated sum or the cost of the work plus a fee, with or without a guaranteed maximum price. Parties using A104–2017 will also use A104 Exhibit A, Determination of the Cost of the Work, if using a cost-plus payment method. AIA Document B104™–2017, Standard Abbreviated Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect, coordinates with A104–2017 and incorporates it by reference.
For more complex projects, parties should consider using one of the following AIA owner/contractor agreements: A101®–2017, A102™–2017 or A103™–2017. These agreements are written for a stipulated sum, cost of the work with a guaranteed maximum price, and cost of the work without a guaranteed maximum price, respectively. Each of them incorporates by reference AIA A201®–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. For smaller and less complex projects, parties may wish to consider A105™–2017, Standard Short Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor.
When to use
- Medium-sized project
- Stipulated sum or cost plus
- With or without guaranteed maximum price (GMP)
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